Organized Session "Green HPC"
- (Chair: Keiji Kimura (Waseda University))
(K1) Approaches to the power consumption problem on the K computer
Atsuya Uno (RIKEN AICS)
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(K2) The Green Supercomputer, "Shoubu" and "Suiren" MIMD Manycore Processor based, Immersion Liquid Cooled HPC System - Now and Feature -
Sunao Torii (ExaScaler)
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(K3) Challenges in Power Constrained High Performance Computing
Koji Inoue, Yuichi Inadomi and Takatsugu Ono (Kyushu University)
(K1) Approaches to the power consumption problem on the K computer
- (16:00-11:30)
(K1) Approaches to the power consumption problem on the K computer
Atsuya Uno (RIKEN AICS)
Recently, high-performance computing systems have become larger and larger, and reducing their power consumptions has become one of the important issues. The K computer has the same situation and we faced on how to reduce its power consumption in the operation. K computer has been operated for more than three years. At the beginning of the shared use, we thought no application could consume the electric power more than that of LINPACK. However, the system power consumption sometimes exceeded the limit of power supply. As measures to this problem, we have tried to control the system power consumption by estimating the power consumption of large jobs and adjusting the execution timing of them manually. In addition, we have analyzed the relation between the application performance and power consumption on K computer. In this talk, these approaches will be presented. - (16:30-17:00)
(K2) The Green Supercomputer, "Shoubu" and "Suiren" MIMD Manycore Processor based, Immersion Liquid Cooled HPC System - Now and Feature -
Sunao Torii (ExaScaler)
We have developed the proprietary many-core processor based, liquid immersion cooling, energy efficient supercomputer "ZettaScaler-1.x" series. Currently we have installed four systems, "Suiren", "Suiren Blue", "Shoubu" and "Ajisai". "Shoubu" is ranked 1st in the Green500 2015 List. In this presentation, I will introduce current PEZY-SC manycore processor architecture, ZettaScaler-1.x system architecture and liquid immersion cooling system. After that, I will show our next approach, new generation manycore processor PEZY-SC2 including wide-band 3D stacking memory connection technique, and ZettaScaler-2.x supercomputer concept and its cooling system. - (17:00-17:30)
(K3) Challenges in Power Constrained High Performance Computing
Koji Inoue, Yuichi Inadomi and Takatsugu Ono (Kyushu University)
Power efficiency is a primary concern in current and future computer systems. With the end of Dennard Scaling, it is difficult to improve processor performance without affecting power, and the leaps needed for Modern processors suffer from increasingly large power variations owing to the chip manufacturing process. These variations lead to power inhomogeneity in current systems and manifest into performance inhomogeneity in power-constrained environments, resulting in poor system performance. To tackle with this issue, we have proposed a novel variation-aware power budgeting scheme to maximize effective application performance. Our low-cost and scalable budgeting algorithm strives to achieve performance homogeneity under a power constraint by deriving application-specific, module-level power allocations. Experimental results using a 1,920-socket system show up to 5.4X speedup, with an average speedup of 1.8X across all benchmarks, compared to a variation-unaware power allocation scheme.