Call for Papers (in Japanese)
Last Modified: Mon Oct 23 14:55:31 2006
Call For Papers
SACSIS, the Annual Symposium on Advanced Computing Systems and Infrastructures, is a symposium for discussing advanced computing systems, infrastructures, and technologies for enabling them from wide and various viewpoints. It covers both technologies on "systems" and technologies on "infrastructures."
The 5th symposium will be held in Tokyo from May 23 through May 25, 2007.
Areas of interest:
We solicit full papers and poster papers (abstracts) for the SACSIS 2007 on a wide range of topics related to:
- Advanced Computing Systems
Grid computing, cluster computing, peer-to-peer computing, high-performance computing, mobile computing, ubiquitous systems, embedded systems, dependable computing, application-specific systems, and so on. - Infrastructural Technologies
processor architecture, system architecture, large-scale storage systems, energy-saving/space-saving technology, operating systems, middleware, compilers, programming languages, parallel algorithms, online algorithms, performance evaluation/tuning technology, and so on. - Practical Infrastructures
database, Web service, search engine, data mining, transaction systems, distributed computing environment, server system development technology, network security, and so on.
Paper Types:
- Full Papers
- Full-length papers. All papers will be refereed by the program committee. Papers must be unpublished in refereed journals or refereed conferences. Papers can be submitted simultaneously to the ACS Journal.
- Page limit: No longer than 8 pages (2 extra pages can be purchased for camera-ready).
- Format: should be uploaded as a single PDF file.
- Language: English or Japanese.
- Poster Papers (abstracts)
- Work-in-progress papers.
- Page limit: No longer than 2 pages.
- Format: should be uploaded as a single PDF file.
- Language: English or Japanese.
- Submitted papers are used as camera-ready if accepted.
- Best Young Researcher Award: up to three papers are selected out of papers the first author of which is younger than about thirty.
- Best Paper Award: one paper is selected out of all full papers.
- Most Creative Research Idea Award (Poster Presentation): one poster presentation is selected. Works with high originality are highly evaluated.