May 22-24, 2013

Submitting to the SACSIS2013 EasyChair System

This tutorial will show you how to upload your paper to the SACSIS2013 EasyChair system. If you have used EasyChair before, skip to the next section. If you have never used EasyChair before, follow the next section.

1. Creation of your EasyChair account

  1. Navigate to the SACSIS2013 EasyChair system.
  2. Click "sign up for an account".
  3. In "Step 1", copy the skewed letters into the text box and click "continue".
  4. In "Step 2", fill out your "First name", "Last name", and "Email" address and click "continue".
  5. "Account Application Received" will be shown on your browser and pre-registration process has been completed.
  6. You will receive a confirmation email, whose subject is "EasyChair account confirmation", containing a link to continue your registration. Click the link.
  7. You can see "Signing Up for EasyChair: Last Step" in your browser. Complete your registration by providing all the required information and picking a "User name" and "Password". This "User name" and "Password" are used to sign in to EasyChair. Then, click "create my account".

2. Submission to SACSIS2013

  1. Navigate to the SACSIS2013 EasyChair system at
  2. Sign in using your new or existing user name and password.
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  3. Click "New Submission".
  4. Tick the track name you will submit, and click "Continue".
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  5. Fill out contact information.
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  6. Fill out the form to provide authors' information. If the person is the corresponding author, tick its box for "Corresponding author". If you need more than the standard 3 authors, click on the "Click here to add more authors".
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  7. Fill out the paper title, abstract, and keyword.
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  8. If the corresponding author is a student, tick the box for "Student Paper / 学生論文".
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  9. If you submit abstract at first, tick the box for "Abstract Only". Otherwise, upload your full submission file in PDF format by clicking the "Browse" button.
  10. Confirm the entries and click the "Submit".
  11. Once you have submitted, you will be taken to the information page for your paper. You may update various information about your paper here, or submit a whole new version till the paper submission deadline.


Symposium:General management committee chair Yuko Oshima
Paper submission: Program vice chair (papers)Atsuko Takefusa
Public relation: Publicity chairRyusuke Egawa
Copyright 2007-2013, SACSIS 2013 Organizing Committee

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